Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Can I search ATR/FTIR vs transmission FTIR spectra and vice versa?
A: Yes. Search over the fingerprint region. Expect lower search scores but still useful results.
Q: Can I add to the library?
A: This is a forthcoming feature of the FDM SearchFaster(tm) software.
Q: What are the advantages of ATR over transmission sampling?
A: ATR sampling is faster, requires far less skill and is far more reproducible than transmission sampling. Most labs save time, effort and money with ATR.
Q: Why does FDM provide ATR libraries with spectra measured on both diamond and Germanium crystals?
A: See this PDF flier for more details and graphics showing the difference between diamond and germanium spectra.
Q: What is meant by saying spectra run on a Germanium ATR crystal are more transmission-like than those recorded on diamond or Zinc selenide (ZnSe)?
A: Because of Germanium’s high refractive index the effect of ATR peak broadening from anomolous dispersion on the high frequency (high wavenumber) side of a peak is greatly reduced compared to diamond or ZnSe. Thus, the peaks are more transmission-like.