FDM SDK Spectroscopic Search Engine

This image shows the FDM SearchFaster(tm) software performing three(3) searches in quick succession on about 900,000 spectra, most of which are mixture spectra, which is a much heavier task than searching single spectra. While this was run on a Windows 11 computer with a top end CPU and high bus speeds, the important take away is the (formerly) immense computational job is now multithreaded and smoothly spread out over 24 logical cores.
Extremely fast search speeds
Suitable for real time imaging and conventional spectroscopic search
Your application will no longer be bound by search speed
Expand the scope of the problems your customers can routinely solve
Optionally searches the FDM FTIR, ATR/FTIR and Raman Libraries
Search unknown spectra individually or entire spectroscopic images
Search conventional libraries or mixture libraries (models of bulk mixtures)
Straightforward, documented API for easy integration into your application(s)
Digitally signed code
8 Search Algorithms, more can be added
Two bulk mixture modelling methods
Extendable to many spectroscopic domains
Keywords: GC-FTIR, LC-FTIR, VPFTIR, gas, vapor, remote sensing, hyperspectral, multispectral, thermal, UV-VIS, UV/VIS, NIR, near-IR, near-infrared, mid-IR, mid-infrared, Raman, camera, microscope, telescope, satellite, JWST, imaging spectrometer, imaging photometer.
FDM SearchFaster™ is a trademark of Fiveash Data Management, Inc.