FDM SearchFaster
Searches the FDM FTIR, ATR/FTIR and Raman Libraries
Easily produce PDF search reports in many languages.
Easily export graphics to word processing software.
Extremely fast full spectrum search speeds
Run multiple windows at once: browse polymers in one window, organics the next, and inorganics in another.
Reads files from these FTIR and Raman Vendors: Bruker, BWTek, CRAIC, Lambda Scientific, Interspectrum EE, PerkinElmer, Thermo, WITec.
Reads SPC, JCAMP, TXT and CSV files.
For Windows10 and 11
8 Search Algorithms
Mixture analysis with mixture libraries such as the FDM ATR Plastics Kit, FDM ATR Drug Kit, FDM HiRes VPFTIR Mixtures, etc.
NEW: Easily select Arabic, Chinese, English, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hindi, Italian, Indonesian, Japanese, Korean, Norwegian, Portuguese, Spanish, Swedish, Thai, Turkish, and Vietmanese, other languages. Easily produce reports in multiple languages.
FDM SearchFaster™ is a trademark of Fiveash Data Management, Inc.